West End Secondary Plan Survey 2021

West End Secondary Plan Survey

The Town of Deep River has recently embarked on a "West End Secondary Plan" Project reviewing properties in the west-end of Deep River identified for residental development in the Town's 2018 Official Plan.

The goal of the Secondary Plan is to create a set of more specific land-use policies to guide the development of these properties to reflect the character of Deep River and meet the needs of the evolving community.

Please help shape this area's future development by completing the survey at the following link - https://forms.gle/DjKyNG34NoKnFDNx6, or in paper form at Town Hall:

The survey will be available from July 19 to August 6, 2021 and is open to Deep River residents only.

If you have additional comments, concerns, or suggestions, we invite you to please submit your comments in written form to the Town of Deep River at Townmail@deepriver.ca.