Town of Deep River - Backyard Hens Survey 2020

The Backyard Hens survey was conducted to determine whether a 1 - 3 year Pilot Project for the backyard keeping of hens in residential areas (maximum of three, no roosters) is truly supported by the community of Deep River.

The survey was open to Deep River residents only, and was limited to one response per household.

The results of this survey were presented to Council for consideration at the September 23, 2020 Council Meeting in Report Number 2020-CAO-008 - entitled "Back Yard Hen Pilot Project"and following the presentation Council passed the following Motion:

Item 6.3.2


Approved under Consent Resolution.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT report number 2020-CAO-008 “Backyard Hen Pilot Project” be received,

THAT staff be directed to develop regulations for a 1-3 year pilot project for the keeping of backyard hens within the residential areas of Town of Deep River,

THAT Council continue to suspend the levying of fines against existing owners until March 2021 and

THAT Staff report to Council with a proposed program no later than March, 2021.

Report Number 2021-CBO-001 entitled "Backyard Hens Pilot Project Update", was presented to Council at the April 7, 2021 Council Meeting and following the presentation Council passed the following Motion:

Item 6.3.1


MOVED BY: Reeve Doncaster
SECONDED BY: Councillor Rochon

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Report Number 2021-CBO-001 "Backyard Hens Pilot Project Update", be received, and

THAT staff be directed to bring back a by-law to the April 21, 2021 Council Meeting with the following amendments:

  1. The number of hens permitted be adjusted to 4.
  2. Ensure that both hen runs and coups must be a minimum of 3’ from all property lines and that min / max dimensions are provided for hen runs.
  3. Remove the potential for “unannounced” inspections.


By-Law 10-2021 - To Regulate the Keeping of Backyard Hens in the Town of Deep River for a Three (3) Year Pilot Project