The County of Renfrew and the Town of Deep River recently purchased a surplus school property from a local school board. The purpose of this Expression of Interest process is to identify suitable partners that the County and Town can work closely with to redevelop the property in a way that will maximize its long-term benefit to the community, including housing and the potential for community space and attainable housing.
Sealed, clearly marked expressions of interest can be submitted to:
Jessy Pace, Deputy Clerk / Christian Kaiser, Director of Growth and Sustainability
Town of Deep River
100 Deep River Road, PO Box 400
Deep River, ON, K0J1P0
and must be received no later than:
Friday, April 4th, 2025 AT 2:00 P.M. (EST)
Submissions will be opened publicly, and the names of Proponent organizations will be read aloud immediately thereafter. Virtual attendance at the public opening is possible, and invitations will be sent to those expressing interest in attending. Questions regarding this proposal must be directed to Jessy Pace by email: jpace@deepriver.ca.
Submitted Expressions will be evaluated by the County and Town, and based on the expressions received, the County and Town may enter into discussions and/or negotiations with one or more of the Proponents to set appropriate terms for an integrated project design and delivery agreement. At their sole discretion, the County and Town reserve the right to not proceed with discussions with any or all Proponents.
Click the link below to view the Full RFEOI:
Supporting documentation and available information: