October 2024 Dear Friends, Voluntarism is often described as the heartbeat of our communities. Recognizing volunteers for their selfless efforts formally acknowledges their essential role in addressing needs, building trust, and creating stronger communities across Ontario. The province of Ontario recognizes the contributions of our volunteers in a number of impactful ways. It is my pleasure to invite you to consider nominating volunteers in your community for one or more of our volunteer recognition programs. Ontario Volunteer Service Awards Deadline: November 15, 2024 Organizations can nominate their volunteers for an Ontario Volunteer Service Award to recognize their continuous service ranging from five to 65 years. Youth (under 24 years old) can be recognized for two or more years of continuous service. June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism Deadline: December 15, 2024 Individuals and groups are recognized for outstanding commitment to volunteering and service to their community. Nominations are reviewed by an independent selection committee who are appointed by the Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism. Recipients are presented with this award during Volunteer Service Award ceremonies in their community. To submit a nomination online, please register for the Ontario Honours and Awards Portal. All nominations must be submitted electronically through the Ontario Honours and Awards Portal. Paper copies will not be accepted. The Ministry will provide more information about the ceremonies to recognize these volunteers in early 2025. If you have questions about the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards or the June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Awards, or how to submit a nomination online, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at OntarioVolunteerServiceAwards@ontario.ca. Sincerely, Jennifer Lang, Director Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat |
Public Works - County of Renfrew Visit the County of Renfrew's website using the following link: https://renfrew-county.civilspace.io/en/projects/highway-17-expansion The County of Renfrew is committed to improving the safety and...