Parent & Tot Soccer
Parent & Tot Soccer - registration is open.
Our parent and tot program is designed to introduce players to the game of soccer in a FUN learning environment. Players are introduced to the basics of soccer with a focus on physical literacy and fundamental movement skills through soccer-related activities. The program will also provide an opportunity for social and cognitive development.
This program is open to players born in 2021& 2022 (U4).
Parents/guardians are required to be on the field at ALL times with their tot(s) and to participate fully in the activities.
Register Here (under Children's Programs) or drop into Town Hall where we will be happy to assit you.
Childrens Ball Hockey
The Recreation Department is very excited to offer a children's ball hockey program.
This program is designed for boys and girls between the ages of 8-10 years who are looking for a fun, recreational environment. This program will run on Tuesday evening from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Deep River Arena.
Register Here (under Children's Programs) or drop into the Town Hall.