Swimming Lessons are offered at the Deep River Community Pool in the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Registration is available on-line and in person at the Deep River Town Hall.

 As of September 2022, the Town of Deep River  implemented the Lifesaving Society learn to swim program. 

Lifesaving/Red Cross comparison swimming level chart

Swimming Instructional - (includes class dates, times and fees)

On-Line Registration - Opens Thursday, May 30th @ 7:00 am
For those who prefer to register in person, please drop into the Town Hall on May 30th between the hours of 9:00 am-1:00 pm.

• Private lessons - New Flex Registration - (click here to find out more)
• Family swimming lessons
• Parent and Tot lessons
• Lifesaving Preschool levels 1-5 lessons
• Lifesaving Swimmer levels 1-9
• Bronze Star
• Stroke improvement for levels 6 & up
• Red Cross Babysitting and Stay Safe courses
• Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross
• Lifeguarding and Instructor courses
• First Aid courses
• Aquatic Exercises

We ask that the parent register for the Family Lesson under “Swimming Lessons”. When you register, you will be prompted to list your children’s names. It would also be helpful if you indicate their swim level. Maximum number of family members in a Family Lesson is 4 children of the same household.