Open Storage

As seasons change and we prepare for winter, please be considerate of your neighbours and respectful of municipal by-laws. 

Utilize commercial storage facilities, your back yard or interior side yard for out-of-season recreational vehicles or equipment.

Please use the following links to view the full by-laws: Zoning By-Law 7-2024 (Section 3.20 & 3.22 (1)) Clean and Clear Yards By-Law 18-2016

Zoning By-law 07-2024


3.20.1 No portion of a lot shall be used for the storage of goods or materials unless such storage is within a building, or unless the following provisions are complied with, in the event that the storage is in the open:

(a)     such open storage is clearly subordinate to the use of the main building on the lot;

(b)     such open storage is not in the front yard or exterior side yard, and complies with all other yard and setback requirements of this By-law;

(c)     such open storage does not cover more than the maximum area permitted by the zone provisions for the applicable zone; and,

(d)     any portion of a lot used for such open storage is separated from adjacent uses and streets adjoining the lot, by buildings and/or screening extending at least 1.8 metres in height from the ground.