Seasonal Reminders


Frequently requested by-law for the Operations Department: By-law 33-2021: To regulate parking in the Town of Deep River By-law 14-2001: To regulate the use of water for lawn sprinkling within the limites of Deep River.  By-law...

Lawn Watering Restrictions

Watering Restrictions apply from May 1st until September 30th (inclusive) Addresses ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 may water their lawns on “even numbered calendar dates”, i.e.: May 2nd, June 30th, July 18th, and August 6th. Addresses...

Parking Requirements - Zoning By-Law

3.22.1     PARKING REQUIREMENTS (k)STORAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES. SNOWMOBILES AND OFF-         ROAD VEHICLES (ORV) No person shall, in any Residential Zone, use any lot for the parking or storage...

Winter - Overnight Parking

 NO OVERNIGHT PARKING IN WINTER: 2.09 (a) Despite Sections 2.08 no person shall park a vehicle on Champlain Street from Deep River Road to Ridge Road, from November 1st of one year to April 30th of the following year at any time between 3:00...

Open Storage

As seasons change and we prepare for winter, please be considerate of your neighbours and respectful of municipal by-laws.  Utilize commercial storage facilities, your back yard or interior side yard for out-of-season recreational...

Winter Snow Removal

Snow removal is regulated by the Winter Control Operations by-law 53-2012. Priority and local routes, along with parking lots and sidewalks, are ploughed first with particular attention given to emergency routes. Lanes are ploughed...