
April 1st marks the first day of BeADonor month in Ontario.  This month is devoted to raising awareness for organ and tissue donations.   There are over 1500 people waiting for lifesaving and life changing tissue and organ transplants.  In fact, every 3 days a person dies waiting for a healthy organ. 

The Deep River Police Service is a strong supporter for organ and tissue donation. 

Through our DRPS communications platforms and social media presence we will share the activities planned and promotional events throughout the month.  More to come…

We are asking for your support to share these activities with your teams and to promote the BeADonor month

One of the biggest ways people can contribute is to register for organ and tissue donation.  Only 35% of Ontarians have registered for donation, despite 90% of people in favour of organ and tissue donation.  When people register for organ donation, families almost always proceed with donation.  In the absence of registration, families have to make the difficult decision during a difficult time and we see consent in only about half the situations.   I encourage all of you to talk to your families, parents, aunts, uncles and friends about your wishes and theirs. 

If you have not registered for Organ and Tissue donation before, the easiest way to do this is to register online ( or at Service Ontario.  Please encourage your teams, staff, family and friends to register for organ and tissue donation.  

If you don’t own a Green shirt… Please get one for our Green Shirt Day promotion on April 7th.   On this date 4 years ago, we will all remember the Humboldt Bus Crash.  Logan Boulet was one of the team members who donated his organs to six Canadians in need.   This act inspired tens of thousands to become registered donors which is now known as the Logan Boulet Effect.   Please wear a green shirt on April 7th to show your support.   


Thank you in advance,


Dean Duchrow – Chief of Police
Deep River Police Service
100 Deep River Rd. Deep River, ON
K0J 1P0