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For Deputations, Presentations to Committees or Council

Ontario Municipal Resolutions of Support

06-27-24 Harley Township - Asset Retirement Obligation 06-25-24 North Glengarry - Infrastructure in Small Rural Municipalities 06-24-24 Bonnechere Valley - Exempt Emergency Vehicles from Emission Standards 06-24-24 Bonnechere Valley -...

Council Meeting Videos

Please use the links below to watch the Town of Deep River Council Meetings online: Corporation of the Town of Deep River - YouTube

Public Registry of Pecuniary Interest

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Registry The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires Members of Council to declare any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in relation to a matter under consideration. A pecuniary interest in a matter...

Agendas and Minutes

This page is best viewed using Internet Explorer

2018 Municipal Elections Financial Statements

Mayor - Suzanne D'Eon Mayor - Larry Dumoulin Mayor - Anne Hutton Mayor - Benjamin Kolaczek Reeve - Ron Desrochers Reeve - Glenn Doncaster Councillor - Imran Bajwa Councillor - Will Fitton Councillor - Tanner...